HKYWA 2016 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 7

he had crawled into, his head turned to the center of the room and saw a grand site;The statue of
Emporer Qin himself. He walked up the the detailed statue. Qin was in a smooth stone chariot, four sets
of reins in his hands.The other end of the reins were attached to four horses in full horse armor,
seemingly done by the highest quality of workers that had been available at Qin's time.
As Hi stared up in a amazement at the statue, he realized nobody was looking. He climbed up onto the
chariot, and stood beside the great Emporer. It was beautiful to Hi, completely spectacular.A whole cave,
excavated for this one man.Then he began to climb off the statue to see what else he could find, but as he
turned, his shoulder bumped into Qin's arm and the statue fell off the side of the chariot. Just out of site of
Hi, but he knew he had hit stone because of the loud crash that echoed across the empty cave.
As Hi peaked around the edge of the chariot, he froze. His eyes stuck, staring. Surely it couldn't be true.
He must just be tired. He blinked heavily to correct his vision, but nothing changed.The stone was laying,
shattered in pieces around Hi on the floor.The statue had not been as solid as Hi had first thought. It had
in fact been hollow, but what has been inside was impossible. It was Qin himself. Nothing fake about it.
Emporer Qin had been In a dark cave, covered in stone, lost, frozen in time, for over a thousand years.
Then, he moved.
The Emporer got to his feet and brushed the dust off his clothes. He turned and stared straight at Hi,
denying any possible ways that it could be fake, Hi could feel his eyes brushing over him, taking in every
detail of his body.Then he spoke, slowly at first, as if getting used to his own voice again.
"Speak your name!" He yelled. Hi hesitated, before realizing that he was still hiding behind the chariot,
staring with his mouth wide open with shock. Hi stood up and attempted to speak his name.
"Um... My name's Hi," He said, " are" Then Hi realised how stupid he sounded.
The Emporer would probably kill him now. But he just stared at him and didn't answer the question.
Instead he just asked,
"Will you help me?"
Hi thought for a moment before speaking,
"Yes. It would be pretty cool to work for an Emporer of the past. I don't know many other people who
can say that," Hi thought it was funny but the Emporer didn't laugh, he just looked confused again. Hi
thought the Emporer was actually pretty stupid. His thoughts were confirmed when Qin pressed a latch
on the chariot and a door opened in the bottom, revealing rows of spears and shields.After around 30
different spears had been thrown on the floor because they were the wrong size, Qin told Hi the bad news:
his mission-to help Qin destroy the world.
Hi immediately regretted this and, in an attempt to save the world, he tried to punch the Emporer to
stop him from getting anywhere with his plan.The Emporer instantly blocked the attack and hit Hi,
sending him flying backwards across the room.
The Emporer laughed as the sound from Hi slamming into the wall near the chariot vibrated across the
cavern in the rocks. However, Qin was still getting used to his body again, he turned slowly. Hi's ears rung,
he tasted blood in his mouth. He stood up, using the spear to help him.Then he realised he could kill the
Emporer.The answer was in his hand. How could he have been so stupid. He dived behind the chariot
before Emporer Qin could find exactly where he had landed and got ready.With his spear in hand he
peaked up over the top of the chariot, Qin was standing round the other side, only a few meters away
from Hi. He prepared to throw the spear, his mind racing. He stood up, ready to throw the spear, and time
seemed to slow down. Before Hi could throw the spear, Qin turned, saw Hi, and grabbed a spear off the
floor.They faced off, spears in hand. One of them was about to die.
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